Sunday, December 19, 2010

ADUAN PPIM-Shocking news from China- pls read (THIS IS CRAZY!!!)

 This is worrying, ridiculous and inhuman!
Brief translation: Shocking news circulated in China 

A town in Canton is now on trend taking baby herbal soup to increase health and sexual performance/stamina. The cost in China currency = approx $4000. A factory manager was interviewed and he testified that it is effective because he is a frequent customer.
It is a delicacy whereby expensive herbs are added to boil the baby with chicken meat for 8 hours boiling/steaming.

He pointed to his second wife next to him, who is 19 (he is 62), and testified that they have sex everyday. After waiting for a couple of weeks, he took this reporter to the restaurant when he was informed by restaurant Manager that the spare rib soup (local code for baby soup) was now available.

This time, it was a couple who have 2 daughters and this 3rd one was confirmed to be a daughter again. So the couple aborted the baby which was 5 months old. Those babies close to be born and die naturally costs 2000 in China currency. Those aborted ones cost
a few hundreds in China Currency. Those couples who did not want to sell dead babies, placentas can be accepted also for couple of hundreds.

The reporter making comment that is this the problem arise from Chinese being taking too much attention in health or is the backfire when China introduced one child in a family policy (since majority prefers to have male babies and those poorer families need ended up selling their female babies.)

Fetus Feast

*Claim:* Taiwan's hottest restaurants offer grilled and barbequed

*Status:* */False./*

*Example:* /[Collected on the Internet, 2001]/

Oh !! Oh !! How cruel can humans be???
Please finish your meal before you scroll down....
What u are going to witness here is a fact, don't get scared !" It's
Taiwan's hottest food..." In Taiwan, dead babies or fetuses could be
bought at $50 to $70 from hospitals to meet the high demand for grilled
and barbecued babies ...
What a sad state of affairs!!
Please forward this msg to as many people as u can so it can be seen by
the world and someone takes action on the same

*Origins:* One of the downsides of a burgeoning Internet is it fosters
the delirious spread of misinformation as revealed fact in the blink of
an eye. That was the case when a widely-circulated photo which showed a
large Asian man eating what Man eating roast 'baby' appeared to be a
cooked baby was taken by many at face value. The picture was later
teamed with the breathless news that roast fetus was now the hottest
dining craze in Taiwan, with outraged e-mails offering the offensive
picture as an attachment the recipient could view himself.

The truth proved far less horrifying than the rumor. Taiwan maintains
the same attitude towards cannibalism as the rest of the world; the
practice is as abhorrent there as it is anywhere else. Yes, the cultures
of China and Taiwan are vastly different from those of North America and
Europe, and yes, eastern attitudes towards many things differ from
western attitudes. (That is certainly true in the case of organ
harvesting from executed Chinese prisoners ? the Chinese view the matter
as a reasonable use of what would otherwise be discarded assets, whereas
the western viewpoint fixates on the humanity of the executed man and
laments his being picked over and recycled against his personal wishes.)
Nonetheless, it's a measure of our cultural credulity that people can
still be so easily led to believe that inhabitants of another part of
the world regularly violate mankind's strongest taboo, cannibalism (by
eating dead /babies/, to boot), based solely on a picture of unknown

Our knowledge of the existence of cultural differences (even if we don't
know exactly what those differences are) helps prepare the soil for wild
rumors like this one to sprout in, because this tidbit of "information"
seems to fit so well with what we think we know about a deeply
mistrusted foreign culture. One could not successfully kite the same
tale about Canada, for instance, because folks would immediately reject
it as wholly false. But set it in China, and it begins to sound if not
/plausible/, at least /possible/. The Chinese treat bodies of executed
wrongdoers as piles of recyclable parts lying there for the taking; why
wouldn't they view aborted fetuses as something that could be added to a
lunch menu? (We note that it is the People's Republic of China, not
Taiwan, which has a policy of harvesting organs from executed


The taboos against eating one's own are universal, and rumors about
violations of these taboos are used to vilify members of competing
cultures. Think of them as peacetime atrocity rumors
</military/stamp.asp>, because they serve the same purpose, albeit on a
smaller scale.

The photo shown above was taken seriously by a number of important
agencies who viewed it, and both Scotland Yard and the FBI investigated
this matter, trying to determine when and where the picture was taken
and the identities of those appearing in it. Its origin was quickly
uncovered: The man in the photo is Chinese artist Zhu Yu, who performed
a conceptual piece called "Eating People" at a Shanghai arts festival in
2000. The controversial photo has since been part of a number of art
exhibits. As for the "baby," it was most likely constructed by placing a
doll's head on a duck's carcass.

The rumor about the Chinese eating dead babies did not begin with this
"work of art," however. In 1995, U.S. Representative Frank Wolf of
Virginia raised a short-lived media ruckus by asserting he'd encountered
credible reports of Chinese hospitals' selling human fetuses to be used
as health food. Citing a 12 April 1995 article from /Eastern Express/,
an English-language daily in Hong Kong, he demanded the Clinton
administration and international human rights groups investigate these

Nothing apparently came of this call to arms, leading us to believe
those "credible" reports turned out to be not so reliable after all.
Just like this latest scare, in fact.

Barbara "cry wolf" Mikkelson

*Last updated:* 3 February 2007

Urban Legends Reference Pages � 1995-2010 by Barbara and David P.
This material may not be reproduced without permission.
snopes and the logo are registered service marks of

Sources /Sources:/

Greene, Thomas. "Dead-Baby Muncher Pics Spawn Police Inquiry."
/The Register./ 22 February 2001.

Greene, Thomas. "Online Baby Muncher Is an Artist."
/The Register./ 23 February 2001.

Laurance, Jeremy. "British Police Discover More Child Abuse Horror
on Internet."
/The Independent./ 21 February 2001.

Lowy, Joan. "Reports of Fetus Sales Alarm Congressman."
/Denver Rocky Mountain News./ 4 May 1995 (p. A49).

Sharma, Yojana. "Chinese Trade in Human Foetuses for Consumption
Is Uncovered."
/The Daily Telegraph./ 13 April 1995 (International, p. 14).

PPIM : Kami sedang menyiasat tentang berita ini. Jika anda ada sebarang maklumat, sila kongsikan bersama di sini atau hubungi kami di emel



Unknown said...

perbuatan yang kejam dan menunjukkan perlakunya spt tidak bertamadun..

mutiara hati said...

inilah yang perlu kita fikir-fikirkan...apakah peranan kita sbagai seorang muslim...adakah hanya mampu melihat situasi sebegini... Wallahhua'lam....smoga dijauhkan segala kemudharatan...

And said...

allah telah mencipta bermacam2 kenapa manusia jugak yg jd pilihan.....sepatutnya dikuburkan dgn sempurna..bukannya menjadi santapan..walaupun ia telah mati...
mmg perkara ini terjadi berleluasa d negara luar....maka pihak yg berwajib haruslah menangani perkara ini dgn bijaksana....sebagai rakyat malaysia saya berharap agar perkara spt ini tidak terjadi d negara kita....

administrator said...

Sebenarnya, terdapat kemungkinan perancangan jahat oleh pihak tertentu, terutamanya melalui industri hiburan bagi membuang rasa belas kasihan dalam diri manusia.

Apabila rasa belas kasihan sudah tiada, maka seluruh tamadun manusia lebih mudah dihancurkan dan akhir sekali, akan muncul satu kuasa gelap dominan yang menguasai seantero dunia.

Contoh perkara yang dapat menghancurkan belas kasihan dalam diri manusia adalah apabila keganasan dan kezaliman dianggap sebagai hiburan.

Penghasilan filem yang memaparkan keganasan dan kezaliman sebagai hiburan dapat mengakibatkan dunia kembali ke era gladiator, yakni era yang berkembang pesat semasa zaman Empayar Rom dahulu. Era itu ditandai oleh keganasan melampau, yang mana para penonton bersorak-sorai melihat orang lain mati dan terseksa.

Contoh kontemporari yang mampu mengakibatkan dunia kembali ke era gladiator adalah penghasilan filem seperti Death Race, Gamer dan sebagainya, yang mana pembunuhan (biarpun yang dibunuh itu adalah banduan) dianggap sebagai hiburan dan sebagai salah satu cara bagi menjana ekonomi. Ada juga filem-filem lain mengenai free style fighting, yang mana para penonton dalam filem itu bersorak bagai dilanda histeria apabila melihat orang lain dibelasah.

Filem-filem seperti ini adalah amat berbahaya kerana ia dapat mempengaruhi jiwa masyarakat secara halus. Lama-kelamaan, sifat belas kasihan direnggut dari jiwa masyarakat dan diganti pula dengan sifat ganas, buas, selain falsafah matlamat menghalalkan cara.

Moga kita semua dilindungi dari perkara seperti ini dan moga lebih banyak buku, filem, animasi, dokumentari dan hiburan alternatif diwujudkan bagi menangani impak negatif perkara yang saya sebutkan sebentar tadi.

Akhir sekali, apa yang kita mahukan adalah kesejahteraan umat manusia di bawah panji Islam.

- Ashadi Zain (

mutiara hati said...

Ya saya setuju dengan pendapat yang diutarakan... Tidak mustahil perkara sebegini boleh berlaku di negara kita... Biarpun tidak memakan janin namun membuang bayi masih lagi berleluasa... Mungkin juga kita boleh membuat kajian apakah puncanya... Boleh jadi pengaruh dari seseorang...

Jadi apa iktibar yang kita boleh lakukan adalah mesti ada pendinding diri yang kuat agar kita dijauhkan dari kencah kemaksiatan dan hilangnya perikemanusiaa...

administrator said...

Ya, pembuangan bayi adalah akibatnya apabila manusia hilang belas kasihan dan sifat perikemanusiaan. Mereka menjadi manusia yang hilang pertimbangan, lalu menurut sahaja kehendak nafsu.

Benarlah bahawa apabila manusia mengikut nafsu, maka mereka menjadi lebih teruk daripada binatang, yang mana binatang tidak diberikan akal oleh Allah.

Selain ketiadaan sifat belas kasihan yang membawa kepada pembuangan bayi, pembuangan bayi juga adalah disebabkan mekanisme sedia ada bagi mencegah perzinaan adalah tidak berkesan.

- Ashadi Zain

Unknown said...

berkaitan dgn org mkn janin, sy pelik dan hairan kenapa manusia yg sebaik2 ciptaan Allah swt yg diberi akal tetapi x gunakan ia dgn waras sanggup makan manusia sendiri...
cuba bayangkan janin yg di makan tu anak, cucu, or sedara sdiri..tergamak ke tidak?
dan x kurang zalimnya jg dgn masalah pembuangan bayi yg semakin menular dlm kalangan remaja Malaysia sekarang. sy amat sedih kenapa mesti di buang seperti sampah manusia yg tidak berdosa spt bayi2 t,sbut. tidakkah mereka takut dgn azab seksa yg bakal d,terima di akhirat kelak..sama2 kita renungkan...selamat beramal.




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